Collection: Lepaar

LEPAAR is a luxury skincare brand that emphasizes a holistic and biodynamic approach to beauty. Founded by Johanna and Christo Everingham, the brand is known for its commitment to sustainable and ethical practices. LEPAAR's products are hand-blended in small batches and are formulated with sun-infused whole plant extracts, minimal intervention plant oils, and pure minerals, aligning with the natural rhythms of lunar cycles.

The brand focuses on creating synergistic formulations that not only support and balance healthy skin function but also enhance the body's overall vitality and harmony. LEPAAR's ingredients are carefully sourced, using organic, biodynamic, or wildcrafted components that are sustainably grown and harvested with respect for the earth.

LEPAAR's product range includes various skincare items such as face oils, serums, and balms, each designed to nurture the skin while harmonizing the body, soul, and spirit. This approach resonates well with those who value artisanal refinement and natural beauty combined with a profound respect for nature.